
EDIT AI Seminar Series

Students interface with clinical faculty.

Over the summer, students attend weekly one and a half hour EDIT AI seminar sessions. This provides the opportunity for students to hear from and interface with domain experts. Over this past summer, students listened to over 30 half-hour seminars, featuring the following speakers. Here is an example of the speakers we hosted in 2022, to be updated to 2024:

Week Speaker 1 Talk 1 Speaker 2 Talk 2 Speaker 3 Talk 3
1 Onboarding, Responsible Conduct of Research Training, Form Team, Draft Design Document
2 Joshua Levy Program Overview EDIT Students Student Self-Introductions Louis Vaickus Intro: Pathology
3 Brady Hunt Intro: Machine Learning Brady Hunt AI in Radiation Oncology John Hudson Intro: High Performance Computing
4 Matthew LeBoeuf Mohs Surgery & Dermatology Chris Jackson Virtual Tissue Staining Tarushii, Akash, Nafi, Abhinav Student Research In Progress: Mohs AI
5 Louis Vaickus AI Applications in Pathology Lutz, Uhuru, Shuyang, Jack Intro: Natural Language Processing Eric Shah Intro: Gastroenterology
6 Owen Wilkins/Shannon Margaret Soucy Intro: Bioinformatics Matthew Hayden Intro: CRISPR 10x Genomics 10x Genomics (e.g., Spatial) @ DH
7 Maxwell Levis NLP Suicide Prevention Charles Thomas/Brady Hunt Intro: Radiation Oncology Gary Freed Intro: Plastic Surgery
8 Louis Vaickus Manuscript and Presentation Preparation Carly Bobak Networks; Abstracts and Conference Posters Parth & Shrey Clinical Applications of Genomics
9 Marietta Montivero Student Research In Progress: AI Global Health Initiatives Carly Miles Student Research In Progress: Thyroid Cancer Christian Haudenschild Exploring Medical and AI Career Pathways
10 Zarif Azher Student Research In Progress: Multimodal Prediction Models Lucas Salas Epigenetics/Epidemiology Rebecca Emeny Electronic Health Records
11 Jason Wei NLP Research, Google @ DH Katie Hixon Tissue Engineering Gregory Tsongalis Advanced Ancillary Molecular Testing
12 Intern Presentation/Poster Day/Virtual Conference

We have also included a few example seminars below to illustrate the students' learning experiences:

Program Overview & Pathology

Machine Learning & Computing

Manuscript/Talk Prep & Epigenetics